Year 6

Year 6

Hello Year 6 and your parents/carers!

Myself (Mrs Hamilton) and Mrs Whittaker are your teachers this year  – together we will be working as a team to make this a fun and successful year for all! Our main priority is to look after you all, support you all in your learning and prepare you for your next journey to High school. 

We will be adding all the amazing learning to this page over each half term so please keep checking!

For parents/carers, we operate an open door policy and we are available at the end of the day, alternatively please get in touch by phoning the office or message on Class Dojo and either myself or Mrs Whittaker will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Lets make 2023-2024 a brilliant year! 

Many thanks

Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Whittaker

General information: 

Physical Education: P.E lessons will be games on a Friday. 

Homework: Your child will receive maths, English, spelling, R.E value thoughts and Creative Curriculum homework on a home learning log sheet that will be handed out on a Friday. This is to be completed at home in anyway you can and then when completed the home learning book is to be brought in or pictures/videos are to uploaded on to the child’s profile on Class Dojo.

Behaviour: Children are to follow the 3 simple rules of READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. If your child displays these consistently they will receive a recognition award. If 3 or more are given in one week, their names are mentioned in assembly and they will receive a raffle ticket to be entered in to a grand prize at the end of the term. The more recognition, the more tickets, the more chance they have of winning!


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Summer Term 2!

Summer 2 Curriculum Web

Our Gospel value for this half term is: COMMUNITY

What does community mean?

How can we show community in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.




Our unit is on landscape, and our inspiration for landscape art is DAVID HOCKNEY. We looked at many of his landscape pieces and used these as inspiration. What a fabulous job! 

Blackpool Zoo

We had the best time at Blackpool zoo with Yr 5. We saw lots of animals and listened to very interesting talks about the different species the zoo has.


Just look at our finished product. We went up to reception to test them out and they loved them. A great job done!


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Summer Term 1!

Summer 1 Curriculum Web 23-24

Our Gospel value for this half term is: FAITH

What is faith?

How can we show faith in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.


As part of our DT unit on Cam Mechanisms, we have used Lego to help us investigate how they work and how a rotary movement changes to a linear movement. We did a great job and worked well in our pairs. Check out the videos of them in motion!



Our unit is on landscape, we have been looking at drawing our school and then how to draw a street in perspective. We are moving on to looking at houses and trees next. Aren’t they amazing!



Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Spring term 2!

Spring 2 curriculum web 23-24

Our Gospel value for this half term is: FORGIVENESS

What is forgiveness?

How can we show forgiveness in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.

Saint Joseph’s Day

We came together as a school family to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day. It was a very special, happy day. 

PE – Basketball Tournament

Some of our Year 6 children represented our school at an inter-school basketball tournament. They played against other schools in the area and we… WON!!! The children showed amazing team spirit and excellent skills. WELL DONE ST. JOE’S TEAM!




Over this half term, we will be learning the skills and game play of fencing. Our 1st lesson was brilliant and we did very well 


Creating cards to reflect and understand John’s Gospel. 


What amazing artists we have in Year 6… just look at our wonderful Flowers display!


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Spring term 1!

Spring 1 curriculum web 23-24

Our Gospel value for this half term is: HONESTY

What is honesty?

How can we show honest in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.

Going to Church

We took the Year One’s to church to help them during their first solo mass. We helped by being wonderful role models, reminding them of when to stand, sit and kneel and to help them concentrate. They did so well. 

PSHE and Science

We have been very mature about our PSHE topic this half term and learnt what a ‘drug’ is. From this we explored why people make these choices and about the effects of ‘drugs’ on the human body. 


We noticed that sources showed Maya people wearing headdresses and many statues had masks. We used this as the source of our non-chronological report. We came up with questions we wanted to know the answers to and researched them using the internet and books. 



We are reading Narrative Poems. We looked at modern day poet Michael Rosen then moved on to a narrative poem with a historical setting, The Highwayman. 

We are now looking at a William Wordsworth poem in more depth. Listen to us read the poem as a class. 

Lucy Gray video

Image result for autumn term


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Autumn term 2!

Autumn 2 curriculum web 23-24

Our Gospel value for this half term is: LOVE

What is love?

How can we show love in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.


In German, we have been learning all about the weather and we tried to present the weather forecast for Germany. Check out the videos below. 

Forecast 1

Forecast 2

Forecast 3

Forecast 4

Forecast 5

We will remember them!

In art, we looked at symbolism and what colours represent – we then used only 2 colours to symbolise the war; black and red. Black for dark times, mud and dirt, death and evilness AND Red for love, hope, blood, anger, poppies and danger.





Year 6 have had a fabulous week researching and making Mexican food in preparation for our Geography learning on North and South America. They looked into food that grow in the region in Mexico and what foods they make. We researched in to how the food ends up on our plates and how to have a healthy diet. Before we went into the kitchen, we learnt about being ‘Safe, Clean and Hygienic.’

An amazing effort shown by all!  


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Autumn term 1!

Autumn 1 curriculum web 23-24

Our Gospel value for this half term is: KINDNESS

What is kindness?

How can we show kindness in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.


 Check out these videos of us learning the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams and playing it on the glockenspiel!. 

Music video 1

Music video 2


We have loved learning about classifying micro-organisms and showing that they are ‘tiny living things.’ We proved this with the micro-organism YEAST. 




We are reading Kensuke’s Kingdom and we have just got to the part where we have met Kensuke… we instinctively came up with questions and feelings for this character so we came together and wrote them down. 


Just look at our art work! We are very proud of them. We looked at the style of Julian Opie and how he draws portraits then we used this as inspiration for our own work. The results are amazing!