Year 6

Year 6

Hello Year 6 and your parents/carers!

Myself (Mrs Hamilton) and Mrs Whittaker are your teachers this year with Mrs Butcher as our Teaching and Learning Assistant – together we will be working as a team to make this a fun and successful year for all! Our main priority is to look after you all, support you all in your learning and prepare you for your next journey to High school. 

We will be adding all the amazing learning to this page over each half term so please keep checking!

For parents/carers, we operate an open door policy and we are available at the end of the day, alternatively please get in touch by phoning the office or message on Class Dojo and either myself or Mrs Whittaker will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Lets make 2024-2025 a brilliant year! 

Many thanks

Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Whittaker

General information: 

Please be aware that , Mrs Hamilton works Tuesday to Friday and Mrs Whittaker works Monday to Thursday. 

Physical Education: P.E lessons will be games on a Friday. 

Homework: Your child will receive maths, English, Spelling, R.E value thoughts and Creative Curriculum homework on a home learning log sheet that will be handed out on a Friday. This is to be completed at home in anyway you can and then when completed the home learning book is to be brought in or pictures/videos are to uploaded on to the child’s profile on Class Dojo. Golden time will be given to those children who complete homework or it is a time for children to complete their homework. 

Behaviour: Children are to follow the 3 simple rules of READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. If your child displays these consistently they will receive a recognition award. If 3 or more are given in one week, their names are mentioned in assembly and they will receive a raffle ticket to be entered in to a grand prize at the end of the term. The more recognition, the more tickets, the more chance they have of winning!


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Spring term 2!

Spring 2 curriculum web 24-25

Our Gospel value for this half term is: FORGIVENESS


How can we show FORGIVENE in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.

English – Narrative Poetry

We have been reading lots of narrative poems and looking for poetic techniques and features. This poem is William Wordsworth’s Lucy Grey. Listen to us reading together some of the poem. 

Our Video – Click here


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Spring term 1!

Spring 1 curriculum web 24-25

Our Gospel value for this half term is: HONESTY

What is HONEST?

How can we show HONEST in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.

PE – dance

We used the Ancient Maya as our inspiration to create dances and movements to show different aspects of Mayan life. This session we used our bodies to create temples and architecture that the Maya used in their temples and palaces. 


We are have been thinking like a Historian!

PE – gymnastics

We had a brilliant session with Mr Lofthouse exploring gymnastics using the equipment. We saw excellent movements, jumps, rolls, headstands, handstands, cartwheels – all showing off the different talents and creative skills we have!

Image result for autumn term


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Autumn term 2!

Autumn 2 curriculum web 24-25

Our Gospel value for this half term is: LOVE

What is LOVE?

How can we show LOVE in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.


We are learning about light in Science and we looked at refraction and reflection. Using mirrors to look behind us to find the hidden picture or message was fun!


During learning about balanced arguments, we held a debate where both sides of an argument were presented and discussed so an audience could make a fair decision on their opinion. 


What is a debate?

A debate is a discussion between two sides with different views. Debating is a more formal way of communicating our ideas and opinions. Simply put it is an argument, but rather than shouting, a debate has strict rules to follow. Reasons must be backed up with evidence. Debating encourages: critical thinking, personal expression and a tolerance of other’s thinking. The Speaker opens the debate and explains the debate rules and the question to the audience. The argument is presented to an audience, who have to vote at the end.


Curriculum news: Follow the link below to see what we will be getting up to in our curriculum this Autumn term 1!

Autumn 1 curriculum web 24-25

Our Gospel value for this half term is: KINDNESS

What is kindness?

How can we show kindness in our day to day lives? We will be looking in to this, this half term.

PE with Mr Lofthouse

Leighton Hall Trip

An amazing day had learning about pollination and apples!


Work based on our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.



We have been working hard on our art project of making 3D Slab pots inspired by Charlotte Hupfield. Look at us at work!

Look at the finished results… they are truly fabulous and the detail from the plants is amazing!


What a fabulous couple of days we have had learning to be safe when on bikes. We learnt about the ‘M check,’ to check our bikes are road worthy and about the ‘6 Ls’ to learn how to mount our bikes correctly. From this we practised our skills on the playground to then go out on the road safely. Some children persevered on the skill of riding a bike and becoming confident riders while others were on the road learning the Highway Code and being road confident.

So proud of all our Year 6!


Just look at our art work! We are very proud of them. We looked at the style of Julian Opie and how he draws portraits then we used this as inspiration for our own work. The results are amazing!