Summer Play Scheme for Nursery, Reception and Year 1

Summer Play Scheme for Nursery, Reception and Year 1

Dear Parents and Carers,

Recently I wrote to you to explain that school could not open and invite children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 into school.  At this time, we are unable to consider a wider opening because we lack sufficient space to maintain sufficient distance and for hygenic recommendations.

As an alternative, we would like to run a summer play sceme for two weeks in August.  This will be for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children.  This will be held in the Key Stage 1 building and our nursery, and will of course use the fields.  It will be led by school staff, and depending on your interest, we would expand it and recruit playscheme workers.  I would hope that these sessions would help children get used to coming to school once again, and begin to get into a routine, ready for when we re-open in September.

We are looking at two weeks beginning 10th August and 17th August.  At the time of writing (22nd June), we are still working to the guidelines of bubbles of 15 children, but we anticipate this being widened to bubbles of 30 by September.  Staffing ratios will be in line with what we provide now.  For this reason, we will operate the play scheme in two parts, mornings and afternoons.  You will be able to book either morning sessions, or afternoon sessions for one or both weeks. Each week will have a theme, and all activities will be linked together.  Morning sessions would start at 9.30 – 12.00, and afternoons would run from 1.00 – 3.30.  Unlike other play schemes, this will be completely free.

I will write with further information, once I know that we have enough interest.  Please let us know by Wednesday 1st July by using the attached form if you are interested, and whether you would like mornings or afternoons.

Yours as ever,

Mr S Belbin


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