Sporting Events

Hello and welcome to our new sporting events page! On this page, you will find information and updates on sporting activities and achievements at St Joseph’s. I really look forward to sharing all our amazing sports news with you.  

Mr Bellhouse

#enrichment #achievement 

Galatians 6:9
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Sports newsletters

Autumn 2- Sports newsletter

Autumn 1 Sports newsletter

Indoor athletics!

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Ten pin bowling!

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Year 2/3 athletics tournament

On Monday 12th June, 8 children from year 2 and 3 went to Our Lady’s Catholic College to an athletics tournament. For a lot of the children, it was their first sporting event representing school, and as always, I was so impressed with the effort and behaviour of our children. The boys and girls took part in a variety of events. The first round saw us take part in field events such as javelin throwing, shot put, long jump and speed bounce. Once we had cooled down and had lots of water (in the 28 degrees heat) we got ready for the track events. This included sprints, long distance runs and baton relays. The children did amazingly well and competed against plenty of other talented children. I am delighted to say we achieved 2nd place and a SILVER medal. Well done to all involved- I am sure its the first of many events for them representing school .

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Netball tournament

On Monday 27th February, I took 7 children to a tournament at Our Lady’s Catholic College. The children were up against netballers from 5 other schools. For a couple of our children, it was their first time representing school and they did a magnificent job. The children were nervous at first and took their time getting into the swing of things. However, as the tournament progressed, the team really started to gel and there were some fantastic passing combinations all over the pitch. The children were asked to play in a number of different positions and they adapted admirably. Well done to all of our netballers and thank you for representing our school so well. A big shout out must also go to Shay who was incredibly brave when his knee had a disagreement with the netball court! Talk about giving blood, sweat and tears for the team!

Indoor Athletics tournament

On Wednesday 11th January, 16 children represented school at Lancaster & Morecambe College in an indoor athletics event. This was a huge event and hundreds of other children were competing. The events included a number of different field and track events. As ever, the children gave it their all and competed really well against some tough opposition. I was delighted to see so many of our children keen to be involved and their enthusiasm and determination was  noted by a number of members of staff from other schools.  Well done St Joseph’s!

Football tournament

On Tuesday 29th November, I took 7 boys to a football tournament at Mossgate AstroTurf. The event was organised by Morecambe Football Club and 105 matches were played in total! It was a HUGE event! The tournament kicked off at 10am and we didn’t finish until 2pm! The boys played really well in their games and managed to get 3 draws. They worked hard as a team and although they didn’t get the victory that they were desperate for, they should be really proud of their efforts. They never gave up and they came so close to a win on several occasions- it was one of those days where the ball just didn’t seem to want to go in the back of the net! A special mention must go to Harley who produced an incredible point-blank save in

 his first ever time in net! Well done boys! 

Indoor athletics tournament

On Monday 7th November, I took 12 children to an indoor Sportshall athletics tournament at Our Lady’s Catholic College. The children took part in events such as speed bounce, javelin, chest push, triple jump, long jump and a variety of different running races. The children once again represented school in a fantastic manner and it was brilliant to see how well they encouraged each other and cheered each other on during the races. The children worked so well together and I noticed how they were starting to discuss with each other how to work best as a team! I was so proud of their efforts and they got their rewards with a 3rd place finish and a bronze medal. The children should wear their medals with pride for representing school so fantastically well. I look forward to presenting the children with their medals during our celebration assembly. Well done to everyone involved!

Mr Bellhouse

We are the champions!

WOW! On Monday 10th October, Mrs Dodd and I took 7 boys to a Catholic schools football tournament. I am SO proud to say that the boys WON the tournament! The boys were absolutely incredible and they represented the school so well. They worked fantastically hard as a team and took on board the advice of teachers. They played 6 games against difficult opposition and impressively, they won all 6 games and didn’t concede a single goal! The boys played some fabulous football and passed the ball with accuracy. The whole team did their job so well and left Layton in goal well protected, as well as keeping the opposition team incredibly busy! Daniel scored a great goal and won the ball back several times in midfield with his persistence. John got himself 2 great goals and impressed with his link up play, setting up 2 other goals for his teammates. Layton made some terrific saves (in what was his first time playing in goal) and his kicking was brilliant. Lee scored an unbelievable 4 goals and ran through the opposition defenders like they weren’t there! One opposition player even commented it ‘wasn’t fair’ that he was playing! Shay was so solid at the back and didn’t let anything get past him. Steven was up and down the pitch all afternoon long. He defended astutely and even chipped in with a terrific winner against St Patrick’s in the last game, to ensure we won 6 out of 6. Harley was fantastic at right back in our 3 man defence and he set up a goal with a terrific run from one end of the pitch to the other.  All of the boys did themselves, and the school, proud. I couldn’t have been prouder of how they conducted themselves with their effort. Their sportsmanship and play was rightfully rewarded with their gold medals and certificates. Well done boys and thank you for the wonderful way you represented our school.

Mr Bellhouse

St Joseph’s 1-0 St Bernadette’s (Goalscorer: Lee)

St Joseph’s 1-0 Ryelands (Goalscorer: Lee)

St Joseph’s 2-0 Cathedral (Goalscorers: Lee, John)

St Joseph’s 3-0 St Mary’s (Goalscorers: Lee, Daniel, John)

St Joseph’s 1-0 St Patrick’s (Goalscorer: Steven)

The girls do us proud!

On Monday 3rd October, Miss Griffiths and I took 7 girls to Our Lady’s Catholic College for a Catholic football tournament. To say Miss Griffiths and I left feeling proud is an understatement. This was the girls’ first ever football tournament as a team and for some girls, the first time representing school. They were absolutely fantastic and they did their school proud. They played against 7 other schools and although they didn’t get the wins that their effort deserved, their attitude and togetherness was brilliant to see. They encouraged, supported and cheered throughout every game. We even had a ‘GIRL POWER!’ huddle at one point. They each persevered throughout every game and they came so close to getting a goal- Tallulah hit the post with an incredible strike. Thank you to all the adults that helped and supported and a massive well done to all the girls! 

Mr Bellhouse

Girls involved:

Tallulah, Mazy, Charmaine, Codie, Darcy, Ellie-Mae and Ella

After school sports clubs

I am hoping to set up a number of after school sports clubs to promote healthy activity. We hope that the activities will offer the opportunity for children to try new sports or develop their current sporting interests. Hopefully we will have lots of fun along the way too! We are interested to hear which sports your child would like to participate in. Please complete the questionnaire below, to give us an initial idea on the most popular sports. I look forward to hearing from you!

Please select the after school sports clubs that your child would be interested in