- 5th March 201914th January 2025
- by Admin
Welcome to our Nursery!
We are open Monday to Friday full-time, providing care and early education to children from 2 years old. Please contact the school office for an application form. If you have any questions (or would just like to come and see what we do) please contact the school office for more information and to arrange a visit!
Nursery Practitioners
Mrs Sarah Bibby – Nursery Teacher (Mon-Weds)
Mr Joe Tregent – Nursery Teacher (Thursday and Friday)
Leoni Mackintosh – Nursery Nurse
Ellie Burns – Nursery Apprentice
We are here to help the children through their first steps into the amazing world of St. Joseph’s.
The Foundation Stage Team have worked together to create an Early Years curriculum for St Joseph’s Nursery.
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term!
Spring 1 – Spring 1 curriculum web
Autumn 2 – Autumn 2 curriculum web
Look what we’ve been up to this half term!
Autumn 1 – Autumn 1 curriculum web
Look what we’ve been up to this half term!
Phonics Phase 1
We have been learning how to listen to sounds. We have spoke about what we need to do to be good listeners. In Phonics we have been having listening moments. In these moments we have listening to a range of environmental sounds both indoors and outdoors.
We have used listening sticks to bang on a range of indoor and outdoor equipment. We listened to the difference in sounds on different materials, we also tried to make loud and quiet sounds. We have also been in our woodlands to experience a range of different sounds. We heard birds, leaves rustling and twigs snapping.
We have been practising fine motor skills. We are gaining confidence using scissors to make snips, we are working towards cutting our objects.
Sensory feet
Did you know Each foot has around 200,000 nerve endings which function as sensory receptors to transmit information to your brain! There are so many benefits to walking barefoot on different textures. Exploring different textures under our feet develops a stronger connection between our feet and the surrounding environment. We have been walking barefoot on our texture tiles. It certainly got the children talking about different textures and using a range of describing words.
Toast and Snack
Each day we prepare our own toast with the help from an adult. We toast the bread and add butter or jam. We sit and have conversations about our weekends, evenings and mornings so far. Snack time is a great time for conversation!
We also have access to fresh fruit and milk or water. We encourage healthy eating in our Nursery and encourage parents to support us with this. Please only bring water in bottles to drink at nursery.
Milk – Every child is entitled to free milk under the age of Five . However, you must apply for milk using the CoolMilk website below.
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