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We made it on Twitter!!!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Over the last few weeks, our staff and children who are making the most of this strange time, have been busy creating artistic masterpieces that show the…
Team D – Planting for the future
Team D went into the woods and planted trees. We are invested in our future and can’t wait to see them GROW.
Headteacher blog
It is now some four weeks into these strange times, something I have never experienced in the forty years I have been in education. No school, no going to work,…
Team D – Over and Out!
We have had a fantastically busy week! We have made dream catchers, scripture pictures, clay pots and a giant collage to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection.
When the children are away…!
…the staff will play! Mrs Willetts has been spotted sliding down the bannister of the wooden staircase! Look who was caught playing on the climbing frame! To top…
We Miss You!
Hello everyone! It’s Miss Griffiths here! I have been in school this week so have taken over Mr Belbin’s computer (shh don’t tell him!) I was chatting to Mr Belbin…