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The Holy Family
The Holy Family Today, we celebrate the Holy Family and give thanks for all those who are altar servers and support the delivery of mass each week. the-kids-bulletin-christmas-and-holy-family
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Welcome to the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Our friends at Colour and Shape, help us celebrate today as we take one step closer to our holy day.
Third Sunday in Advent
Give me Joy! Welcome to the third week of Advent. The candle is pink and represents joy.
2nd Sunday in Advent
Welcome to the Second Sunday Advent Children’s Liturgy Infant Liturgy from our friend Emily Junior Liturgy from our Friends at the Mark 10 Mission
Christ the King!
Christ the King Children’s Liturgy – the final Sunday of the Church year. Welcome to our celebration of Christ the King – King of Everything! The Mark 10 Mission offer…
Remembrance Sunday
Lest We Forget This week we have been remembering the fallen heroes who gave their lives so that we might have the life we have today. The website link below…
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Son of Man is coming on clouds Thank you to our friends at the Mark 10 Mission for their liturgy today.
Giving Everything
Children’s Liturgy for the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time Can you give everything to God? Our friends at the Mark 10 Mission share the Children’s Liturgy for this week….
31st Week in Ordinary Time – All Saints
Welcome to the Children’s Liturgy for the 31st October. Are you ready to be a saint? Here is this weeks fantastic liturgy from the Mark 10 Mission.
Children’s Liturgy 29th Week in Ordinary Time
Children’s Liturgy 29th Week of Ordinary Time. Welcome to this weeks liturgy for children. Here is the link to the Mark 10 Mission – a wonderful view of this…
Children’s Liturgy 28th Week in Ordinary Time
28th Week in Ordinary Time How can we enter the Kingdom of God.? Welcome to the children’s liturgy for this week. Thank you to our friends at Colour and Shape….
Children’s Liturgy 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to Children’s Liturgy This is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Thank you to our friends at Colour and Shape for sharing the children’s liturgy for today.
The Month of the Holy Rosary
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary Our friends at the Mark 10 Mission, have put together some information about the Month of Mary and how to say the…
Children’s Liturgy 26th Week
Welcome to our weekly worship! This week we will think about how we help others. Choose one of the links below for our Liturgy. The first is suited more for…
Our Value – Compassion
This half term we are working on COMPASSION. We can learn about COMPASSION with the link below. Don’t forget to bring your pictures and prayers about COMPASSION into…