#achievement #enrichment
‘For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.’ Romans 15:4
Intent Overview:
At Saint Joseph’s Primary School, our vision is to give all children an enriched and balanced History curriculum which enables them to have knowledge and understanding of the past. This begins with learning at a personal level and moving on to local, national and international levels throughout the year groups. To achieve this, opportunities are given to learn, through the skills of chronology, enquiry and interpretation, and the knowledge of significant people, places and events. We want our History curriculum to inspire our pupils’ curiosity, to ask questions, think critically and develop perspectives. Our History coverage has been developed to include key threads throughout so that links can be made to previous learning e.g. how people lived is covered in all year groups so comparisons/links can be made. We learn how significant people and eras have effected Britain and the way we live today. At our school, we want the children to understand the process of change and to see how we must learn from the past in a way of moving forward in the challenges we face today. Our intent is to create engaging and interesting lessons for all (in and outside the classroom), which are cross-curricular, include quality texts and build upon prior knowledge so that Historical vocabulary and concepts can be used confidently and in context.
Our History Journey
History Medium Term Planning
Please read through our policy for more detail on our intent, implementation and the impact we want to make:
Useful websites:
2025 Highlights
2024 Highlights
2023 Highlights
Year 1 have been learning all about the past of when our main school building was built. They learnt who was queen at the time and who was a significant person in our local area at that time too. From this they had a Victorian school lesson where the girls and boys were separate and the girls did sowing and the boys did wood work.
We have the original School Log Book from when the school first opened, Year 1 looked at this primary source and found it hard to read because of the style of writing. They knew it was old because we don’t write like that anymore and we use computers to log pupil and staff details. from this the children had a go at trying to write in an old style.
Year 6 used replica sources to question and learn about the Mayan Civilisation…
Year 4 have been learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. They had a great interactive lesson all about mummification – they loved it and could tell me lots of great facts about it.
Year 6 worked hard on learning about symbolism in English, this then followed by learning about the symbol of the Poppy on Remembrance Day. We created art work on this. We then went on to link this to the short film ‘The Piano’ where the man has a flash back to the war.
Reception also learnt about Remembrance day and why we wear the poppy. They created some beautiful poppies for their display
2022 Highlights
Year 4 are learning all about the Vikings and this young man showed me his Lego long boat; it even had oars at the side.
Year 1 have been looking at old toys and how to play with them. they compared them to toys we use today!
I love it when children show me their work and tell me all about what they have been learning! A big well done to Marnie and Shaun-Henry for telling me all about the olden day toys! they knew that they were from the Victorian era and made from wood because plastic toys were not made yet. Year 6 were very impressed too as they have learnt all about the Victorians and they told them that some children were too poor to have toys!
Making history – St. Joseph’s celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee in style, learning all about the Queen and having a wonderful street party. All children received a book to take home detailing this special event. Amazing memories and a collection of History, Art and a wonderful time!