Category: <span>Reception Home Learning Blog</span>


Week 3 – Reception home learning achievements!

Ellie has had very fun week. She has been walking daily and learnt to swing all by herself! She has been very brave this week, she found minibeasts in her garden and even picked some of them up. Her Mummy has been so proud of her as shes been practising her phonics sounds and even practised writing her alphabet. Keep up that hard work Ellie!

This week I challenged reception to practise their doubling, halving and sharing. Lacey practised halving shapes and look at her beautiful flower pot that she created.

Eric has been practising doubling by using ladybird spots to help him. He has also been using beans to practise his addition. Well done Eric!

Wow what a busy week it has been for Oskar! He went on a spring walk finding treasures for signs of spring. He has been practising his halving, sharing and doubling. He has been reading two syllable words and look at his fantastic writing about our weekly story ‘Hattie Peck’. He even researched all about Chickens. Well done Oskar

Julia has also been writing about our weekly story ‘Hattie Peck’. Check our her wonderful writing. She also researched all about chickens and practised her doubling, halving and sharing. Well done Julia!

Reception Home Learning Blog

Week 2 – Reception home learning achievements!

Lacey has been practising her numbers on her ipad, she even tried to help her little brother learn the numbers too! Lacey has had such a busy week and even made a rhyming ladder.


Julia has been listening to our weekly story ‘Shark in the park’ she drew a picture of Timothy in the park and wrote a sentence to describe what he could see through his telescope. She has also been working really hard practising her phonics sounds with Mrs Bibby. Check our her amazing writing for the ear, er and ure sounds!

Alissia has been finishing lots of Jigsaws this week!



Ellie has had another really busy week! She has learnt how to make pom poms to decorate her room, she has been practising her phonics and writing, been on bug hunts and made some delicious looking treats! YUM!

Look at what Eric has been up to! He has been practising his phonics by writing and he has practised his tricky words. Look here he wrote the word ‘they’ on beans and practise finding ‘my’ in his favourite magazine. Just look ta his under the sea picture, what a creative way to paint!

Oskar created a list of all the creatures you might find under the sea. He wrote rhyming ladders and practised his phonics sounds with Mrs Bibby.

Jakub also made a rhyming ladder look at his fantastic writing!


Della went on a dinosaur hunt in the woods! I hope no dinosaurs were spotted Della!

Reception Home Learning Blog

Week 1 – Reception home learning achievements!

Della has been using her knowledge of phonics to recognise the sounds and squirt them with her water gun!

Julia has been watching Mrs Bibbys phonics videos and working on her writing of the ‘oi’, ‘or’ and ‘ur’ sounds. She also watched the story Handa’s Surprise and drew Handa’s basket labeling the fruit.


Oskar has also been helping to make meals and he also made Handa’s basket.


Ellie has been busy practising her cooking skills, exercising, practising her writing and being very creative look at the butterflies on her window!
















Alissia also got her creative head on, she painted rocks and made herself a boat. I wonder where she will sail to?


Lacey has been practising her shape recognition and she has been writing her phonics sounds and daily tricky words.


Eric has been a busy bee! He made play dough and wrote the tricky word of the day in his play dough. He has also been planting vegetables! I bet he can’t wait for them to grow.