Category: <span>Go St Joes</span>

Go St Joes

We Are Writers -A book dedicated to St Joseph’s,…

We Are Writers

Please join us in commemorating our school and parish

To celebrate our magnificent school turning 125 years old this year, we are asking members of our school and parish family to contribute to a book all about St Joseph’s!  If you have a special memory that you would like to share, then please just complete the attached form.  Your special memories should be submitted by Thursday 29th April 2021.


I give permission for my entry to be published


Thank you to Mrs Garnock-Jones for organising this special dedication.




Go St Joes

Super Stars


I have been checking our new Twitter feed today and it’s great to see that you are getting involved. Today’s posts include washing, reading and a ferret named Batman! Please follow us if you can. Let’s see how many followers we can get before the end of the week!  Challenge accepted! 🙂 

Go St Joes

We made it onto Twitter!!!

We made it onto Twitter!!!

Wow! Wow! Wow!  Over the last few weeks, our staff and children who are making the most of this strange time, have been busy creating artistic masterpieces that show the journey Jesus made during Holy Week.  One of them was selected by the head of the Lancaster Diocese Education Service to display on their Twitter page!! Go St Joe’s!!!!

Go St Joes



How amazing is this?! Martino from Nursery is the first to have his achievements celebrated on our Go St Joe’s page! Great work, Martino!