Category: <span>General</span>


The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Take some time out of your busy day to say the Our Father. It is one of our daily prayers and reminds us of God’s love for us.


Prayers | St John's RC Primary School


Lancashire County Council Update

Dear parents and children,
We are writing to let you know that Lancashire County Council have written to all schools again today to say that schools should not expand to welcome pupils from different age groups back into school.  The Public Health director considers that Lancashire and the North West still has a high number of cases compared to many other regions in the country.  In addition, we understand that more work needs to be done to the national NHS Test and Trace system.
We understand that they will make a further announcement next week.  Therefore, it is with some sadness that we are in the same position as last week.  We will write to you again next week to keep you informed.  As always, please contact us if you wish to discuss this.
With kind regards,

Stephen Belbin



A message from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents, Carers, Teachers and fellow Governors,


Over the last three months we have found ourselves in a very different world than the one we are used to, and we are bombarded with news on our televsions, computers, phones and ipads with conflicting news about the Pandemic of Covid 19 creating fear, mixed messages and confusion. We hear of conflicting scientific research all over the world and so we find ourselves in a very confused, isolated and lonely place.

We must remember, however, that as the Catholic Family of St. Joseph’s in Skerton, we have one whom we must always look to, namely Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ. He has not left us alone but promises that he will send the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to be with us always. Neither wars, famines, or even death can separate us from the Love of Christ, as St. Paul tells us.

Our Blessed Lord, however, does not say that we must not be rooted in reality. We need to be in the world but not of the world. We need to heed scientific advice, research and common sense and place this in the context of the faith that we have in Our Lord, however tested that may seem at times like this.

We can all agree that the best place for our children is to be at school in a learning and stimulating Faith-filled family, but not at the expense of human life. Therefore, as Chair of Governors, in collaboration with our headteacher, Steve Belbin, I have decided to watch the unfolding situation and plan for a very gradual return of certain year groups, in a very controlled and measured way. This will only happen when we feel there are adequate measures in place to ensure the safely of pupils, staff and other workers in school. We will contine to monitor the scientic findings, which at this stage are conflicting and not conclusive either way in terms of the risks to children and their ability to transmit the virus.  This is why we are acting on the advice of the British Medical Association, and resisting any premature actions which would endanger our school family at St. Joseph’s.

As soon as we decide to take any action we will of course consult with parents, staff, and governors before implementing any phased return of children to St. Joseph’s School. I would like to thank you for your support and pray that we will look back on this as a time when faith, hope and love were at their best within our school family of St. Joseph’s.

With every blessing and prayer,

Deacon Stephen

Chair of Governors


If you would like to contact Deacon Stephen with your thoughts, then please complete the attached form.


Week 3 – Reception home learning achievements!

Ellie has had very fun week. She has been walking daily and learnt to swing all by herself! She has been very brave this week, she found minibeasts in her garden and even picked some of them up. Her Mummy has been so proud of her as shes been practising her phonics sounds and even practised writing her alphabet. Keep up that hard work Ellie!

This week I challenged reception to practise their doubling, halving and sharing. Lacey practised halving shapes and look at her beautiful flower pot that she created.

Eric has been practising doubling by using ladybird spots to help him. He has also been using beans to practise his addition. Well done Eric!

Wow what a busy week it has been for Oskar! He went on a spring walk finding treasures for signs of spring. He has been practising his halving, sharing and doubling. He has been reading two syllable words and look at his fantastic writing about our weekly story ‘Hattie Peck’. He even researched all about Chickens. Well done Oskar

Julia has also been writing about our weekly story ‘Hattie Peck’. Check our her wonderful writing. She also researched all about chickens and practised her doubling, halving and sharing. Well done Julia!