Author: <span>St Josephs</span>

Go St Joes

Super Stars


I have been checking our new Twitter feed today and it’s great to see that you are getting involved. Today’s posts include washing, reading and a ferret named Batman! Please follow us if you can. Let’s see how many followers we can get before the end of the week!  Challenge accepted! 🙂 


Julia’s super sound work!

Fantastic! Check out Julia’s beautiful basket for Handa and her brilliant writing using the ‘ar’ and ‘or’ digraphs! Keep up the awesome work! Definitely a      Go St Joe’s Super Star!


Outstanding Oskar!

How brilliant is this?! Oskar has been making his own fruit basket for Handa’s Surprise and has been writing words that contain the ‘oa’ digraph! Most definitely a Go St Joe’s Super Star!