Author: <span>St Josephs</span>

St. Joseph's Dream Team

Past Pupil Survey

Dear Past Pupil, 

My name is Rachael Griffiths and I am the Headteacher at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Lancaster.


I am writing because, like me, you were a past pupil from St. Joe’s.  My memories of St Joseph’s are among the best I have from my childhood and I am constantly retelling tales from my school days to the children who attend now. I credit the wonderful staff and school family for giving me the dreams and aspirations of becoming a teacher, and more so, for fulfilling my childhood ambition of becoming the Head Teacher at St. Joseph’s.


I plan on building up a page on our school website dedicated to past pupils and their happy memories of our school family and how it impacted and shaped their futures.  I am asking for a few minutes of your time to complete the attached form that will be shared with our current pupils and hopefully, gift them the hope, love and faith that we were given to fulfil their goals and live their dreams!


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon. #GoStJoes


Yours truly,


Rachael Griffiths

Head Teacher






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