Recycling Master!
Recycling Master!
Click below to read all about Joe De Carvalho who attended St. Joseph’s and went on to become a waste disposal company manager. #KeepingTheWorldClean
Click below to read all about Joe De Carvalho who attended St. Joseph’s and went on to become a waste disposal company manager. #KeepingTheWorldClean
Click below to read all about Lisa Corless-Canavan who attended St.Joseph’s and went on to become a retail manager and a marvellous mummy!
Click below to read all about Rachael Walker who attended St. Joseph’s and went on to become a fantastic Art and Technology teacher!
Hi boys and girls we miss you lots and can’t wait to see you all in September. School is running a Summer club for nursery, reception and year 1 children, we would love to see you, please see the website for details and how to sign up.
Love Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jancarova and Naomi